
4. Filters

Mapidea Team Updated by Mapidea Team

The Filter tab is used to filter elements of a layer by attributes, by spatial relations between layers or by a combination of both.

Drag and drop an attribute or layer on top of an existing condition to create a branch query.

4.1 Filter by Attributes

Filter elements of a layer by numeric, qualitative or date attributes.

Example: Select all the customers with BRONZE price plan that acquired the product before May 20, 2019 and rented more than 2 videos.

NOTE: If your layer has temporal data, you can choose the period of which you want to filter the information.

Example: Select the site areas that had more than 1000 dropped calls on October 10, 2017.

To create filters that compare attributes (the same or others), drag & drop the attribute to the value area.

4.1.1 Video Case

4.2 Spatial

Spatial filter uses geographic relations between layers. These conditions are typified in the following relations:

Example: Select the customers near 400 meters of the stores and within the business areas (points near points and points within polygons).

4.2.1 Video Case

4.3 Combined

It’s possible to combine attribute and spatial filters together.

Example: Select the customers with Gold price plan that are within business areas.

4.3.1 Video Case

4.4 Create layer with the filter's results

You can also create a new layer with the results of the filter created.

The style of this layer can be changed. To know more about this check the Styles section in 8. Create Layers

4.5 Map Selection

It’s also possible to filter elements directly by selecting them in the map window and using the button on the info tool.

Click on an element to select it and press shift+click to add more elements to the selection. It’s also possible to deselect elements by clicking on it, maintaining shift pressed.

Press shift+drag to select more than one element at the same time, using a rectangular shape.

After applying a filter to a layer, an icon is displayed in the layer, to inform that this layer has active filters.
4.5.1 Video Case

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3. Dashboard

5. Calculations
