
1. Basics

Mapidea Team Updated by Mapidea Team

1. Basics

After a user logs in Mapidea, it has access to the Analysis Gallery. A single click in one of the analysis thumbnail will load it. To create a new analysis, just press Create New and the layers list will be visible, along with the map area.

To see details about an analysis without loading it, press the "i" icon in each analysis thumbnail.

After pressing "create new", the user has access to the map view and the main interface window.

Street view: Drag the icon and drop it somewhere in the map to open a new tab with the streetview.
Ruler Control: Click on the map and will appear a ruler. To stop click again in the Ruler Control icon or "ESC" on your keyboard.
Center to current location: Gives you a close-up to your location on the map.

Layers are available in the Library area, on the left side pane. If the user have loaded an existing analysis, a tab contains the name and its description.

Almost every action in Mapidea is done with drag & drop. To load a layer or analysis, drag & drop it to the map area to visualize its content.

If you drag & drop a layer directly to the workspace area, it will automatically open the operations console in the Filter function.

2. Console

To access the main functionalities console, double click in a layer in the workspace area.

By clicking on the maximize button (top right corner), the console switches to full screen.

3. Table View

Clicking on the bottom arrow accesses Table View. Here you can check the attributes, switch their order, change the aggregation method and add new ones.

With table view, you can switch to another layer's attribute by clicking on the name of the layer and you can click on the summary line to change how it aggregates numeric columns, meaning you can check the sum, average, minimum, maximum or none for each column.

4. Workspace

In the Workspace area it’s possible to control the layers on display.

It’s possible to turn the layer visible or invisible and enable or disable the layer label.

By clicking on the layer icon, it’s possible to define the layer opacity and, if dealing with points, it’s possible to do heatmaps.

Heatmap - Shows the concentration of the elements on the map. Red areas indicate more concentration and blue areas do the opposite.

To remove a single layer from the map, just drag and drop into the remove layer area:

To remove all layers, just press Clear workspace once.

4.1 Settings

By clicking on the layer icon, it’s possible to configure the layer in the settings button.

We can choose the label you want to be shown.

And we can also define a layer as being selectable or not.

By default, all layers are selectable.

Here you can search for an address or for coordinates when you have the "Location" option active.

To search within a layer click, in the top bar, on "Location" to switch to "Layer". Search for the keyword you want to find within the layer and click on the layer you want to search on.

Will be selected up to 3 elements (configurable) that match what you searched for.

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2. Add Your Own Data
